Be stupid push the red button
Be stupid push the red button

be stupid push the red button

Depending on what you said and how you said it, you may have a catastrophic Stupid Level 5 on your hands. Don't give advice, don't look down your nose at them and whatever you do, don't ever say, "The place I came from did it this way." If you fail to abide by this wisdom, keep pressing that button.

be stupid push the red button

  • "When in Rome." One thing I've learned as a traveling nurse is that when you're starting out on a new assignment, it's best to take notes on the way the locals do things and keep your mouth shut if you'd like to be accepted as part of the team during your stay.
  • But when I agree to take someone else's call because the money looks good, even though I'm feeling worn out, I deserve the long cases from hell that I end up with and the Stupid Level of 3. OK, button pushed, re-scrub and get back to work. When I'm scrubbed in to set up a sterile field and then, after 25-plus years as an OR nurse, turn around and grab something unsterile, that's a 1 on the scale. It signals those times when I know that I know better.
  • "I should have known better." I don't have immunity from the button, of course.
  • You may push that button 4 times thinking it's not so bad, but in the eyes of your staff and superiors, you're at Level 6, and the scale only goes to 5. Now not only are they complaining, but you've got a lot of overtime to justify to the powers that be. This results in a short-handed facility and employees who work longer hours. One example would be granting employees time off without first checking the surgical schedule or who's already on vacation.

    be stupid push the red button be stupid push the red button

    "Sure, you can have off." In my experience as an administrator, I've learned that button-worthy behavior that affects more than 1 person magnifies the impact."No, really, he likes me." The new nurse keeps bragging that a particular surgeon is impressed with her on account of their similar backgrounds and tries to play "surgeon's pet." For 2 weeks, the rest of us warn her about this guy, but sometimes people just won't listen, and when he shows his pit viper side, she's unfortunately the one who catches the venom."Forgetting something, doctor?" A surgeon who berates his team's sterile technique, who snaps that any post-op infections emerging among his patients will be the staff's fault, not his, then walks into the OR scrubbed, ready to gown and glove but lacking a mask gets Stupid Level 1.And it could increase in intensity, like the heightened threat levels of national security, depending on where the misstep rates on the Stupid Scale. It would set off horns and sirens and flashing lights like a fire truck on the way to a blaze. Sometimes I wish I had a big red button I could press when someone really steps in it.

    Be stupid push the red button